Rheumatic Disorders

  • Article Number: 13

If you suffer from rheumatic disorders, then take the first step towards recovery by visiting PALLADION. The American tennis player Venus Williams is now officially “one of the greatest tennis players of all times”. While she was winning one match after another, she suffered from the Sjogren syndrome, which is a serious autoimmune rheumatic disorder. Thanks to a special diet, the necessary medical follow-up and physical exercise, Venus returned to the championships strong, proving that life is earned! People like Venus are bright examples for us; they are what we want to attain! Venus shows us the way, come to walk it together with us. In preparing a personalised rehabilitation programme, we consider the following: The patient’s history Their lifestyle and daily living needs Their psychological state Any form of special conditions that may arise during or after the treatment. The PALLADION team is, right from the start, an ally for the person suffering from a rheumatic disorder, while aiming at improving their functionality. 7 questions about rheumatic disorders 01. What are the rheumatic disorders? They (or rheumatic diseases) are damages caused to the musculoskeletal system (joints, tendons, muscles, bursae, bones and spinal column). 02. What are the types of rheumatic disorders? There are approximately 200 diseases that are included in rheumatic disorders. According to their characteristics, they are classified as follows: degenerative conditions (the articular cartilage that protects the joints gets dehydrated and, as a result, the joint gradually causes pain when in motion), autoimmune diseases (the organism attacks an organ), crystalloid arthritis (generation of large amounts of uric acid that is not excreted from the body and creates crystals in the joint; the organism attacks them and, thus, harms the joints), and metabolic diseases (gradual weakening of the bones). 03. At what age do they appear? Contrary to the general impression, rheumatic disorders may appear at any age. Rheumatic disorders occur in one in four people, i.e. in 25% of the general population. 04. What are the causes of rheumatic disorders? The causes differ depending on the type of the rheumatic disorder. 05. What are the warning symptoms? Rushes on the hands, pain and discomfort in the joints or muscles, and difficulty in moving when waking up are some warning symptoms. If you experience such symptoms, you must see a rheumatologist. 06. What are the effects of rheumatic disorders? The effect on the body differs depending on the type of the disorder. However, pain (in tendons, muscles, bones, the back, neck, spinal column and/or bursae), difficulty in moving, swelling (edema) or sensitivity to pressure, deformation, increased temperature, or redness on the joints are the main effects. If you observe any of these symptoms, you must see a doctor. 07. What cutting-edge medical practices are implemented at PALLADION for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from rheumatic disorders? Rheumatic disorders are no longer a problem without solution. Thanks to the medical staff and the specialised rehabilitation team, the effects of rheumatic disorders can be controlled. We know that patient’s quality of life and functionality are considerably burdened. Therefore, we provide the patient with the best possible means to restore their functionality. The elaboration of a specialised programme and the continuous monitoring of the course of the disorder, in combination with the advanced technological equipment, are a guarantee for successful rehabilitation. Last but not least, we attach special importance to the provision of psychological support to the patient, as we know that the patient’s will must be strong to combat the disease. DOWNLOAD PDF


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